

Abhishek Koner, an MSc Chemistry student of IIT Kanpur then, was the first member of LiSBiC who mixed first set of chemicals to form koneramine complexes. Hence the name “koneramine”. Though Abhishek isolated first four molecules of koneramine, Sakthi took the lead (i) to determine the conditions to isolate syn and anti components (ii) to establish the metal dependant stereoselective self-sorting, (iii) to establish the mechanism of formation of koneramines and, (iv) to perform late-stage modification in order to strengthen the koneramine complexes as part of his PhD thesis. In the meantime, Manoj took the lead in portraying the versatility of koneramines, for example, by playing with the substituents on N4 nitrogen of koneramine complexes designed by him and by studying their properties by protonation and electrochemistry. Kumaran and Suchi studied the applications of koneramine complexes.

Chem. Asian. J.,201611, 128-135



Chem. Asian. J.,201813, 1458-1466


Late-stage Ligand Modification after coordination

Chem. Asian. J. 2023, e202300706


Next – Epimerisation of the Coordinated Koneramine



Dalton Trans., 2022, 51, 15659 – 15668

Green Chemistry, 2019, 21, 6372-6380

Funding Agency: Science and Engineering Research Board, DST, India.